Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm Not as Nerdy as I Thought!!! Yippee!!!

I took this quiz cuz, hey, I've started the 50 minute countdown to when I can blow this popsicle stand. Apparently, I'm kinda cool. Think the results would've been different had I taken this test 10 years ago though...

I am nerdier than 3% of all people.  Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

...but I don't despise nerds. I kinda wish I was as smart. I'd certainly make more money!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

When Can I Retire?

Not much going on today.

A little tension at work. But hey. I am so tired of being people's doormats. Taking blame for shit that's not my fault in order to keep the peace. I'm not doing it. So now, the boss' assistant isn't speaking to me. I guess she's gotta do what she's gotta do. But I'm not going to own something that's not mine. I'd share the blame. But you're not going to say I gave you misinformation in front of my boss' office to my supervisor and think that it's okay.

Just another reason and a half why it's time for me to move on.

And quickly...

Monday, June 20, 2005

And he wonders why I call him a Bastard!

It's so funny how when something happens, you can't wait to blog about it. Put it down so the good feeling feels kinda permanent. Then something comes along and just ruins your fucking day. That thing would be better know as my brother, V.

For all intents and purposes, I had given up hope for V. He's about to be 20 years old, is still working on his GED and for the first time, has what is known as a full time job. We have spoken every day since he started said job on Thursday. I've never been more excited for him, proud of him and not ready to erase him from my existence.

Then today hit. Apparently he wanted to purchase a dog tag with a picture of my deceased cousin on it. Nothing wrong with that. Except he's never even met her. Young Kayla was only on this earth for 11 months. She spent most of it in a Ronald McDonald House trying to cope with what ailed her poor little body. While I understand wanting to honor family that's passed on (V for some reason wants to adorn his body with this), this fool went to my mother's place of employment and proceeded to have a child-like tantrum because my mom didn't want to leave to go home, get a picture of Kayla, give him $35 for an unnecessary piece of jewelry and then go back to her hell hole of a job.

My mom is 2 years from a well deserved and well earned retirement. This selfish bastard has the audacity to fuck her shit up because of a fucking dog tag! This is why I claim to be an only child. Don't get me wrong, I have my selfish moments. I think mom spoiled us beyond belief. But after awhile, I realized that I only want her to be happy now. She raised me, provided for me and sacrificed a hell of a lot for me to be where I am. I just don't understand why my brother is such a dick. And now, mom is going to stay at work and wait for me to run my after work errands so that I can escort her home because one only knows what kind of a hissy fit that motherfucker is going to have when she walks into the house. Shit, I hope she still has a job when I meet up with her later.

My mom has always talked about our purchasing a mother/daughter house. For reasons I'm sure will come out later, I don't want to do that. But I worry about her with him. This is the V of yesterday. I know nobody grows up overnight, but that negro sho' nuff had me fooled.

So tonight instead of going home and watching Law & Order and getting my clothes together to possibly do laundry at 5am, I'm going to spend time at my mom's making sure she and brother don't kill each other. The selfish side of me thinks this sucks. But the woman that my mother raised me to be knows that I have to be there for her through all of the bullshit. And push come to shove, if he wants to show his ass, I have no problem dialing 911 on his stupid ass.

I'll blog about what a wonderful movie Crash was another time.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Can I just say how much I love hanging out with my sorors. They are some of the most down to earth women I've ever met. When we've got chapter drama it's because of business. But when we're just chilling, it's all love.

A few of us went out to Restaurant Gia on Lafayette St. The beauty of hanging close to home! Since I had just come from BBQ's with Toe, I decided to just have a drink or two. Maybe that wasn't the best of ideas. I had one of their Summer Passion drinks (at least that's what I think it was called). Very tropical. Nice and sweet - right up my alley. Somehow that drink went straight to my head. But I insisted on having a white wine next. When it was time to go, the room was slightly spinning.

So I come home slightly drunk. After I got out of the car, I couldn't quite walk straight. I was wondering how someone can get behind the wheel in that condition and think they're ok. I wasn't sure I was going to make it to my bed in one piece. But I got in, sat down for a minute to try to get my bearings and turn on the radio. Z100 was jammin, like I was in the club, so I tried to see if I could dance off this impending hangover. Unfortunately, one too many times leaning into the wall was enough for me to attempt to make my bed, which I neglected to do in the morning, and climb in for what should be a very peaceful sleep. But then the reggae station was jammin too so I listened for awhile. Granted I was in bed with my eyes closed but I was jammin.

I've been a bit of a prude my whole life. Somehow, I've decided that 28 is a time to get all wild and crazy. Not too crazy though. I've still got an image to maintain.