I have a "Sands-In-Law"!!
You're not quite sure what that means! Well, to put it simply, on Saturday, my linesister married her college sweetheart.

I've been to many a wedding in the last couple of years but I've never been quite as moved as I was by this one. Z and Big have one of those love stories that give you hope. They've been through it all and then some. I truly felt like my sister was getting married. I even shed a couple of tears! I don't cry at weddings. They're a time of celebration.
I learned a few things:
1) No outdoor wedding in June!
The time I spent putting together my hair and makeup making sure I was looking my absolute best was literally melted away by the sweltering heat. The location was picturesque. At the lake behind Coral House. The ducks wading in the water. Everything was white and looked so pure and delicate. And I felt like a wet dog I was sweating so much. So, repeat it with me now, NO OUTDOOR WEDDING IN JUNE!!!
2)Plan everything late so I can be on time!!!
I was supposed to read the scripture during the ceremony. But I think things ran a little late because the minister zipped through the ceremony. So it seemed like the ceremony went like this: bridal processional, prayer, vows, rings, kiss! Kind of like Extreme Wedding! And although I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to take part in the ceremony, my name is still in the program, so I can always pretend it happened!
3)There will be a limit to how long someone can speak.
With the exception of the parents of the couple, the maid/matron of honor and the best man, no one should be allowed to speak for more than 2 minutes. One young woman, who shall remain nameless because truth be told, I only know her through stories, got on the mic and went on and on about children today need Jesus and so on and so forth. While I do agree, what did that have to do with how much love you had for the bride and groom. Her tirade lasted longer that our sorority sweetheart ceremony. I literally saw folks falling asleep while she spoke. Which brings me to #4.
4)You only get to speak on the mic if this speech has been cleared by myself, my hubby-to-be or the wedding coordinator (who will answer to me!).
After Miss-15 minute-Tirade, a former member of the Dirty Dutch (those who know, know) gets on the mic to big up the old football team. Dude, we are 5, 6, 7 years removed from being undergrads. Get over it!!
Notes 1-4 aside, my sands made a beautiful bride and Big made an equally handsome groom. Just because I haven't fallen in love yet doesn't mean I've given up on it. They, along with Em and Jason, give me hope for a lovable future. Cheers! I've got in-laws!