Friday, February 03, 2006

The What Ifs?

So, (and why do I insist on starting all my posts this way... but I digress) I decided that this was going to be the year that I find a new job and take my career in a new direction. I just have one small problem. I don't know where the direction is.

I've been in the same job for over five years and I'm quickly beginning to become both bored and frustrated which is not a good combination. This was my first job out of college so I think I've always felt a certain loyalty to them for giving me the opportunity. But I'm beginning to realize that here is not where I want to be forever.

I saw a job posting for a position that seemed promising so I figured I'd be proactive and go talk to someone I know at the show where the position is. The conversation certainly didn't go the way I intended. I was basically told that it's an entry-level position which would mean a pay cut. Plus, even though the job was posted WEDNESDAY, HR already has applicants lined up for it. But the guy hiring for the position, who I seem to have a good rapport with, said he'll keep my resume on file and keep his eyes open for me.

Now the what ifs kick in. What if I'd decided sooner that I'd rather work in a studio environment instead of in an office setting. What if when I realized my junior year that being a journalist wasn't the dream job I imagined it would be, I had switched my major to cover more of the technical aspects of television production. What if I'd been more dedicated to learning everything there is to know about production. What if I'd networked a little harder. Self-doubt is really starting to set in and set in hard and I'm becoming more and more frustrated. But I am going to hold steadfast to my goal. I want to try something new while I truly have the opportunity. The only responsibility I have is me. No family, no kids, no husband, no boyfriend. Just rent. And that's always going to be taken care of.

On the flip side, Ohio said I could be his love slave for 40,000 a year, plus benefits. That's not sounding like such a bad option right now. Just not sure where the 40k is gonna come from!