Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Walking the Walk

So, I finally did it!

I stopped being a punk and submitted my resume for a new job. What a relief. It only took like 4 weeks to do. I hope the job is still available. I haven't had to draft a resume and cover letter in almost 5 years. I think I was a little afraid. What if they actually want me? How am I going to give notice to my current job? I've never had to do that before. When it was time to move on it was time to move on. I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.

In other news, my normally good for nothing brother is finally making moves. He is getting his first job 1 month shy of his 20th birthday. I love my brother, really I do. But the strife that he has caused me and my mom really made me resent him for a long time. I hope this change in his lifestyle will finally force him to man up. I feel like a proud parent. And I kind of am. This is my baby brother and he is on his way to becoming a man. Once he gets that GED, nobody will be able to tell him anything. I'm so happy for him. I've just got to help him get his finances (oh my god! he's got finances!) in order. Make sure he doesn't spend his entire paycheck on an Ipod before he helps pay some bills. I can't wait to take this journey with him. I'll be as supportive as I can and help him with what he needs. It took him a long time to find his way and I don't want him to be discouraged by anything or anyone. Especially me.


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